
"An Evening of Reflection and Planning"

Mar 6, 2024 - 10:29pmSummary: The individual had a pleasant evening watching Atlanta and using Vision Pro, followed by an extensive writing session. They reflected on the need to dedicate more time to writing and mentioned having leftovers for dinner. They noted their plans for meals the following day and the need to go grocery shopping, along with the decision on whether they will be going out of town for the weekend.

Transcript: Had a nice evening watching Atlanta and getting my mind blown by watching it in Vision Pro. And now just writing. I've been writing for an hour, maybe more. It's been good. And kind of wish I had been spending more time writing. And I guess I've still been writing a fair amount, but clearly I have a lot more to write about. So spending that time, I think, is pretty critical just to hone the thinking. Yeah. And for dinner, I had leftovers. Leftovers of my chicken and onion and rice plus the kale salad. I finished it today, so I am now out of food. I have lunch tomorrow with ramen. I have breakfast tomorrow. But dinner I do not have. And I will. I need to eat something. And I also will need to go to the grocery store. I also need to decide if I am going out of town this weekend. All of these things need to be figured out.

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