
Overcoming the Chaos: A Surfer's Day in Encinitas

Jan 28, 2024 - 4:52pmSummary: The surfer found Swami's in Encinitas incredibly busy, describing it as a disaster due to the overwhelming crowd. Finding parking was difficult, leading them to park at Pipes and paddle to Swami's, only to find an unusually large crowd and intense energy in the water. After catching only a few waves, they decided to move to Boneyard's where the surf was smaller but enjoyable for its calming effect. Despite the challenges, the surfer appreciated the beauty of the day, noting the warm weather in January and acknowledging the overall positive experience of being at the beach.

Transcript: I did go surfing today at Swami's and, you know, it was, it was kind of a disaster in some way. A good disaster, but still a disaster. In the sense like, it was so busy in Encinitas, I've never seen Encinitas that busy. It was like every person on the planet was trying to surf in Encinitas today, or just like be in Encinitas, generally speaking, in the afternoon. So I learned my lesson, I guess, don't go there in the afternoon on a weekend. Parking was a nightmare. I ended up parking at Pipes, which is probably about a half a mile south, or maybe even a mile south of Swami's, and I jumped in the water at Pipes and paddled over to Swami's, and it was the biggest crowd that I've ever seen there. I caught like one or two waves there before, I was like, dude, this is not worth it. And I paddled over to Boneyard's. So basically I just paddled today. I caught a couple good waves at Boneyard's, but mostly it was just like playing around in small surf, and it was still good. It was like a reset and a slowing down, which is nice. But it was relatively small, three foot probably on average, maybe four foot, the occasional six foot come through, but like it was pretty chill today on the whole. And occasionally I would go over and paddle back to Swami's, and it was just like the energy there was so intense, like so many people trying to catch every wave. And not only that, there were some people who were really, really good, and I clearly was like, I don't fit in here today. So a very different energy at Swami's than I'm used to. But on the whole, who can complain? It's a beautiful day. It's like 75 degrees out in January, like, come on. I just was at the beach for a few hours. It's a good day. You know, it's still a good day.

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