
"Tanaki's Quick and Simple Connection to iMessage"

Dec 20, 2023 - 9:30amSummary: The user connected Tanaki to iMessage in around 30 minutes, finding the process simple but not very robust. They plan to go surfing at Swami's at 9:30 a.m., then grab food and visit Target. After this, they will continue with the rest of their day.

Transcript: One note is I did hook Tanaki up to iMessage earlier today. It only took me like 30 minutes. It was quite simple. It's not very robust, but hopefully for Pasquale it does the trick. I am on my way to go surf now. It is 9 30 a.m. going to Swami's. Afterwards I am going to get food and go to Target. And then I will be, I guess, moving on with the rest of my day after that. Okay, time to go.

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