
"Surfing Adventures at South Garbage"

Jan 27, 2024 - 4:00pmSummary: I started surfing at North Garbage but quickly moved to South Garbage due to the better waves and less crowded conditions. While paddling out, I had a close call with another surfer who yelled at me; I apologized, but he continued to be aggressive, suggesting I should leave the water. Despite the unpleasant encounter, I caught around 50 waves, including some impressive ones that others weren't attempting. Overall, it was a solid surfing day with good conditions and a chance to get used to my new board.

Transcript: So I just got done surfing at Sunset Cliffs. And I initially started at, I guess, North Garbage. And then I paddled over to South Garbage quite quickly after, mostly because all the people at North didn't really seem like they knew what they were doing. And they were all kind of in the way, basically. And then I paddled over South. Also, the wave was looking better, generally speaking. So I paddled over to South Garbage. And I took one wave in the solid. And then I was paddling back out, trying to avoid a guy who was taking a wave. Dude almost runs me over. And then he yells at me for being in his way. And I love to have footage of it. I'm actually not sure who's in the right and wrong. Personally, I do think I'm a, I still think I made the right decision. Like, I would have made that decision at Swami's. And I wouldn't have gotten even close to hit. Like, dude should have done, he should have hit his bottom turn because he looked like he was going to hit his bottom turn. And then he missed it. And then he slowly rose up to the top and tried to do a top turn. But that's when he was almost hitting me. He's like, bro, there's no way you're going to do that top turn. So anyway, he yelled at me. And he's like, you should go home and get the fuck out of the water. And I was like, damn, that's a lot. And it just raised my heart rate and made me kind of angry. And I was just there to catch waves and have a good time. I'm not, like, I literally would rather him hit the top turn and me not be in the way. Like, that is literally what I want. Like, I'm stoked for everyone to be surfing. And I want you to surf as good as you can. And I'm trying to get out of your way. And like, you know, I told him, like, I fucked up. I don't know what else I can say. Like, if I was in the wrong, like, yeah, I'm sorry. Like, I legitimately did not mean to be in the way. And if I was, again, like, that's my bad. But some people just can't take that for an answer. Like, they got to, like, school you or tell you to get the fuck out of the water. It's like, come on, man. But outside of that, like, I probably ended up catching, like, 50 waves today, including some, like, pretty solid bombs that no one else was even trying to take. So I felt pretty good about the day at the end. And it was just a bummer. And then there was some other guy on the peak who was also yelling at some other guy that he's a pussy because he wears a leash or something. Like, I don't even know. It seems like they had beef from another day. Like, a previous day, they got into some beef. Like, one guy stole another guy's wave or something. And this guy's still yelling about it. I'm like, Jesus Christ, these people need to grow the fuck up. This is crazy. Like, bro, it's one wave. Get over it. You know how many waves there were today? You know how many waves I caught today? Like, I'm sorry that I fucked you on one wave. Like, that's my bad. But there's literally so many goddamn waves out there today. Don't stress, my friends. It's all good. It's all good. I wasn't even in position when I was catching so many waves. So whatever, man. I had a blast outside of this guy. And then I saw Brian there at the end. And I almost caught a bomb. And he almost saw me take this bomb. And then there was two people on the inside that I was just going to straight up kill. If I missed it, they're going to die for sure. So I decided, like, no way. I'm not going on that. Like, I'm not confident enough to do that. So, but overall, it was solid. It was like five foot, six foot down, probably. Bombs coming through, like, maybe seven foot. But it was solid. There was, like, no wind. If anything, it was, like, almost offshore wind, which it said it was going to be onshore wind. But, like, there's basically no texture on the water, if anything's light offshore. Yeah, it was a solid, solid day. I'm really happy. And getting a feel for the new board, too, which is cool.

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