Transcript: So just got out of the water at Sunset Cliffs. It was huge. It was just extraordinarily big. Yeah, just bombing. Bombing, bombing, bombing. Oh, my God. Intense. Really intense out there, honestly. So much water moving around. So much water. Even getting out. I was on the 6.5 today. And that thing. I mean, even duck diving that in this much water is just like really hard. I was out there. I paddled out trying to go to North Garbage. And I ended up at the right on South Garbage. I drifted that much just paddling out. It was intense. And then I got to South. And, dude, South was fucking huge. Like, oh, my God. Intense. So I paddled over to North. And it's still fucking bombing, dude. And also, there's so many people out there that just, like, not... Like, were ready to get hit by boards. You know, like, they were not in good spots. And maybe it's like, really just have to be at the peak or something. But, like... My God. Um... Intense. Intense.
91.66% similar
I started surfing at North Garbage but quickly moved to South Garbage due to the better waves and less crowded conditions. While paddling out, I had a close call with another surfer who yelled at me; I apologized, but he continued to be aggressive, suggesting I should leave the water. Despite the unpleasant encounter, I caught around 50 waves, including some impressive ones that others weren't attempting. Overall, it was a solid surfing day with good conditions and a chance to get used to my new board.
90.84% similar
Today I decided to surf at Sunset Cliffs, initially underwhelmed by the apparent poor surf conditions. However, once out in the water, the waves proved to be unexpectedly steep and challenging, making for an exciting session. I met a few surfers, including someone named Brian, all of us on shorter boards, catching waves and occasionally wiping out. Despite the struggles with some powerful sets and an intense paddling experience, I managed to catch a particularly large, thrilling wave, turning the session into a memorable one despite the ocean's humbling force.
88.54% similar
The surf at Sunset Cliffs was unusually erratic today, possibly due to a mix of swells or low tide, though bigger waves and good size were still present. The break was primarily lefts, with the usual solid right closing out. Despite long waits between sets and a challenging surf, the session was still enjoyable and worth the effort.
After surfing at Sunset Clips, the experience was mixed due to the windy and choppy conditions, making it challenging despite catching plenty of waves. The water was refreshing, and seeing Marvin briefly added to the experience. However, surf quality and personal performance were affected by the choppy and mushy waves. Losing the board a couple of times without a leash was minor and manageable. Overall, it was a pleasant time, and there's excitement for a planned mountain biking trip the next day.
Just got out of the water at Sunset Clips, which was windy and choppy, making it hard to surf despite catching plenty of waves. It was refreshing to be in the water, saw Marvin briefly, and the surf quality could have been better. The chop and mushiness affected my surfing, and I had to be careful with my board without a leash, losing it a couple of times but not significantly. Overall, it was pleasant, and I'm excited for mountain biking tomorrow.