
"Morning Musings: Neural Networks, Coffee, and Menu Decisions"

Feb 11, 2024 - 12:03pmSummary: I spent the morning watching Andrej Karpathy's videos on neural networks and trying to grasp backpropagation and transformer neural networks but still lack a solid understanding. I missed breakfast but did have coffee, and now I plan to go to Costco and grab lunch, unsure where. I also had a pleasant check-in call with Austin about the project, which I appreciated. For dinner, I'm undecided between cooking salmon or steak.

Comment: Morning

Transcript: So I had a morning of watching Andrej Karpathy's videos on neural nets and just trying to get a better understanding of how they work, how backprop works in code, as well as how do you implement transformer-based neural networks. Still don't have a fantastic idea. I will need to spend more time specifically on his transformer video. I started skipping through it halfway. I have some conceptual understanding, I think, but it's still quite bad. So that's how I spent my morning. I did not eat breakfast. I did have coffee. And I am going to go to Costco now. And I also had a call with Austin, which was really nice, and he was checking in on me on the project. I really, really appreciate that. So I think I'm going to go to Costco and probably go get lunch somewhere. I don't know where yet, but yeah, that's kind of my plan. Dinner, I think I have salmon that I'll probably have today. Or I'll cook a steak. Not sure. But we'll kind of take that as it comes, I guess, and go from there.

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