
"Embracing the California Lifestyle: Finding Authenticity and Fulfillment"

Jan 14, 2024 - 8:54amSummary: Listening to James Purce on Rick Rubin's podcast, the speaker reflects on how Purce's lifestyle brand, inspired by the California lifestyle, resonates with their own life, especially in relation to technology. They consider embracing this aspect more wholeheartedly, mentioning setting up a high line on a Sunday morning in San Diego as an activity that brings them peace. There's an understanding that while this lifestyle may not be for everyone, it's important for the speaker to pursue what feels authentic and personally fulfilling. The speaker acknowledges feeling vulnerable in this pursuit but wants to lean into these inclinations, recognizing that even if not many, there might be others who share this sentiment.

Transcript: Listening to James Purce on Rick Rubin's podcast is really interesting to me because he has built, as far as I can tell from him speaking, a lifestyle brand and it being in part about the California lifestyle and when I think about myself, I mean, especially in regards to technology, I live a very California lifestyle, I think, and maybe a lot of other people do as well, but it's just gotten me thinking about leaning into that aspect of my life, like, it's a Sunday, Sunday morning and I'm gonna go set up a midline, you know, high line in San Diego and yeah, I wonder in what ways I can kind of like lean into that because that's the kind of stuff that I love and I'm feeling at peace when I'm doing that and being like, okay, I can put things down for a moment and it doesn't need to be this necessarily massive thing. A part of me wants that, is putting it down and recognizing, like, maybe this isn't for everyone, especially initial, like, it doesn't, it shouldn't be for everyone. It should be for me and whether there's other people like me or not is a different story, but like, I guess I just want to do it as authentically as I can to myself, like, why do I want this? What am I getting from this and what is my position? And recognizing there's probably at least someone else in my position, even if it's not many people, so yeah, just feeling vulnerable and wanting to lean into myself, I guess.

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