
The Joyful Process of Sewing

Jan 20, 2024 - 6:31pmSummary: Sewing provides a form of creative expression and a peaceful outlet for me, allowing for active engagement and a sense of presence while creating tangible items with my hands. It offers an almost otherworldly experience, coupled with the joy of also being able to consume media actively as I work. I cherish sewing among other outlets, and it contributes significantly to fulfilling days, like the one I spent discussing vivid topics with Caroline before coming home to craft a sweatshirt for my friend Chandler. Despite running into a few issues during the process, I'm thrilled with the progress of the sweatshirt and look forward to presenting it to Chandler tomorrow.

Transcript: I absolutely love sewing as a kind of creative outlet for myself. It's just, it's really, really great. And I don't mean this in the way that it's like, uh, I don't know. Like it's just genuinely a peaceful thing where I get to, it's a time where I can create something with my hands and also get to consume media intentionally, as in it keeps me actively engaged enough to, to get into a flow and also actively as a listener to really be present is what it feels like to me. And perhaps, perhaps not, but that's the feeling that I get and it's just, it's just otherworldly that experience of, of doing that and yeah, and I'm just really happy to have found, you know, this outlet among many others that I have, um, yeah, just like, how could I have spent a rainy day better than today of getting a couple of beers with Caroline, having fantastic conversation, and then coming home and sewing and making thing, making something for a friend, making a sweatshirt for Chandler. And so far, I think it's turning out amazing, even though there's been a few mishaps along the way, and I'm just so excited to show up tomorrow, hopefully, and see him and be able to present some of the work that I've done.

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