
"Empowered by Creative Achievement"

Jan 4, 2024 - 7:46pmSummary: The speaker was thrilled to receive a compliment on a sweatshirt they made over the weekend. They proudly told others that they had created the garment themselves, sparking surprise and interest from the group. The experience left the speaker feeling gratified and inspired, considering the possibility of making and selling more sweatshirts in the future. Additionally, they noted the need to finish making a sweatshirt for someone else and pondered making adjustments to the design.

Transcript: Oh, one cool thing that happened this past weekend that I was very, very excited about. And when it happened, I was actually quite nervous that it happened, but someone complimented my sweatshirt and I am so stoked about that because I made it and I told them that I made it and this was also in front of a bunch of other people and everyone there was like, what the fuck? You made that? And I was like, yeah, I made that and people ask questions and stuff and oh, I don't know. It just made me really happy to get a compliment on my own work, you know, like making something with my own hands and then getting a compliment for it. Not something that I bought from a store. I mean, I did buy the pattern, but at the end of the day, I put it together and yeah, I don't know. It just makes me really happy that that happened and yeah, it makes me want to make some sweatshirts and maybe sell them at like highlighting events and shit, you know, like I can do that if I feel like it. So yeah, and it also reminds me, I do need to finish Chandler's too. I think I need to make him a medium though, so I'll have to, I'll have to get that going pretty soon and I may want to redo the hood and everything. So we'll have to see about that as well, but yeah, I need to finish that up and maybe that'll be something I can work on maybe this evening even. We'll see if I'm like drawn to reading or something else, but I feel like that might be a reasonable thing to try to work on. It's going to be a lot of taping if I want to do a medium for him. I think that's probably the right way to go. So yeah.

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