
"Slacklining Adventures at Golden Hill Park"

Mar 19, 2024 - 6:46pmSummary: I just got home at 6:45 after biking to Golden Hill Park for a couple of hours of slacklining, which was really nice. I met someone named Reese, who's relatively new to slacklining but knows Alonzo and has attended one of his gatherings. It was cool meeting him. I really enjoyed trying to master slacklining, and I feel like I made some progress today. I'm looking forward to doing more slacklining soon, hopefully with others later this week.

Transcript: Just got home. It's 6.45. I went and biked over to Golden Hill Park and slacklined for a couple hours, and that was nice. I met Reese, and he, I guess, is a fairly beginner slackliner, but has met Alonzo and has gone to one of his gatherings before, which was cool to meet him. Just enjoyed, really enjoyed just trying to lock in, feel like what it is to lock in. I think I got it a couple times, so pretty stoked on that session overall. Looking forward to slacklining more. Hopefully have something with some other folks this week. That would be really, really nice.

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