
"The Motivation of Sharing Thoughts"

Feb 7, 2024 - 10:18pmSummary: Adding thoughts to the burrito and knowing others might read them motivates me more than keeping them to myself. My goal is to wake up at 5:45 a.m. tomorrow, and it's currently 10:15 p.m., which should allow for seven and a half hours of sleep. However, I probably won't sleep for another half hour, so I'm expecting to get less than seven hours. Accepting this lack of sleep is routine for me, and I'm ready to tackle the challenge tomorrow.

Comment: Wake up at 5:45 tomorrow

Transcript: I'm mostly adding this to the burrito because shooting things out into the void, as it turns out, is also a really good motivating factor sometimes. And the idea that someone could read this in the future makes me want to stick to it just a little bit more, more than just saying it to myself. And tomorrow, my goal is to wake up at 5.45 a.m. It's 10.15 right now. So I believe if I did my math right, that's seven and a half hours. Likely, I'm not going to sleep for at least another half hour. So that means I'm gonna get likely seven or less hours of sleep. And that's just gonna be what it is. It's really nothing that new for me. So yeah, we're just gonna send it. And yeah, I appreciate if anyone sees this and also appreciate myself for putting it in there so I can hopefully wake up and see the alarm tomorrow morning and get my ass out of bed.

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