
"The Boy and the Heron: A Profound Reflection"

Jan 16, 2024 - 7:32pmSummary: After watching "The Boy and the Heron" with Chandler, the speaker was struck with a desire to see the movie again because they felt like they missed crucial elements, akin to the feeling they get from any Miyazaki film. They pondered the character of the uncle, who seemed to represent Miyazaki, putting the protagonist Mahito through various tests, with a recurring theme of the struggle to pass on his legacy against the backdrop of a crumbling world. Throughout the film, Mahito faces overwhelming odds such as being swarmed by animals, yet his resolve remains unbroken, which the speaker found to be a powerful portrayal of perseverance. The speaker identified with this strength of will and also noted themes like the futility of certain struggles, symbolized by the parakeets acting as NPCs, and intriguing details such as only the living being capable of taking life in the spirit realm, all of which contributed to their desire to revisit the film for deeper understanding.

Transcript: It was really nice going to see The Boy and the Heron with Chandler today. Man, the biggest thing from that movie, I think, is just wanting to watch it again. Feeling like there's so much that I missed. Trying... Understanding, but also missing some basic concept, it seems like. I tend to feel like that pretty much after watching any Miyazaki film. That there's something more. That I'm probably missing something. And, yeah. I mean, it was nice. Yeah. I mean, it was nice. I mean, obviously beautiful. Yeah, the one... I mean, there's so many parts. I mean, I guess I can recite what I wrote to the OKPC chat. And... I guess with the uncle in the movie seeming like Miyazaki himself in some way. Testing... Testing The Boy. Testing Mahito. Mahito? I'm not sure. Testing him. And to see, you know, initially, the stones are poisoned, you know. And... Then, kind of, at the end of the film, the world crumbling, ultimately. And throughout, having the tension of wanting to pass on what he's done, but... Unable to. Unable to. Even if there is a worthy candidate, maybe. It was never meant to be. That's not how it was meant to be. And being OK with that, I think. It just felt like a lot of tension in those scenes to me. And... One of the things that I found fascinating throughout the film was just... The number of... Things trying to overwhelm Mahito at any moment. Mahito. At any moment. The number of pelicans. The frogs covering his body. All of the animals coming out from every woodwork. To draw him in. And it's interesting, because on one hand, he's a man. And it's interesting, because on one hand, he was drawn in. But also, on the other hand... Yeah, I don't know, it's a strange one. Because he was drawn in. But yet, throughout the film... He persisted against the majority in a lot of the ways. And the majority could never fuck with him. And I found that very interesting. And just, like, the general overall... Arc of... Being so strong-willed. So strong-willed. Never giving up through any kind of adversity. Yeah, I mean, I thought that was powerful. And maybe I only find it powerful because, like... Maybe that's what I want to get from it. And that's what I want to see in my own life. But regardless, I found it powerful. And generally, the parakeets in particular are just feeling like... Complete NPCs. Just this hungry beast. You've got to feed the beast. In some way or another. And the reality is, you don't have to feed that beast if you don't want to. So anyhow, these are some of the things that I thought. And some little details about only the living being able to kill the living in the spirit realm or whatever. All these things are fascinating. But yeah, I'd love to watch the film again, I think, overall.

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