
"Turning Work into Play: Using Game Mechanics to Boost Productivity"

Feb 1, 2024 - 9:46pmSummary: I want to treat my work like a game to motivate myself to complete tasks. My usual instinct is to dive into building projects, but I recognize the need to regulate this impulse. I plan to use certain tasks, such as writing, as prerequisites that must be completed to "unlock" the opportunity to build something. This concept is something I am looking to explore and integrate into my workflow.

Transcript: Okay, so one thing that I want to experiment with for myself is the ability to unlock the work that I want to do, as if it's like playing a game with myself. That is like, I often want to build a bunch of stuff, but I think I need to temper that instinct a bit and use other things as a mechanism to get me there. In the sense like, if I need to do some writing, I need to finish the writing first, and then that may unlock my ability to build something. So I want to play with that kind of concept.

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