
"Harnessing Energy for Effective Website Development"

Jan 7, 2024 - 9:51amSummary: I am feeling energetic and plan to channel this into meditation before starting work to effectively implement my ideas. It's crucial for me to detach the mental process from the technical aspect of building a website, as the conflation of both is overwhelming. Although perfection is unattainable at this stage, and low-level functionality may remain complex, this approach will facilitate the identification of components that need abstraction. Moreover, it will help distinguish between the user interface and the core system functions.

Transcript: I have so much energy coursing through my body right now. I'm going to meditate before I get into work and trying to put trying to put some of these ideas into practice with what I've written already. Not just staying out an idea land, but trying to implement them and getting base level viability out there. I think it needs to be done. I really need to be able to separate out the brain component from building a website. I think that is absolutely critical because it's driving me insane right now trying to do that already but beyond that I think it'll make it much easier for other people to use. And it won't be perfect. Some of the low-level functionality is probably going to stay within the brain for now and it's going to be kind of a pain to work with. But that'll help us discover what are the things that do need to be abstracted. And what separates user space from kernel land in some way as well.

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