
"Embracing Flexibility: The Future of Technology Integration"

Jan 7, 2024 - 9:44amSummary: The speaker acknowledges that the ideal form factor for integrating technology into our daily lives is yet to be discovered, with current attempts being preliminary. They express a desire to build the underlying infrastructure that allows various input methods to interface with personal data effectively, likening it to the function of IO devices in computers but extended to human bodies and senses. Recognizing the inevitability of change in technology, they prefer not to commit to a single form factor, instead aiming to create a flexible space that supports a wide array of experiments and inputs. Their vision is to foster an environment that accommodates continuous innovation and supports everyone, without being limited by current design paradigms.

Transcript: The next bit of writing has to do with, I don't think we have found a form factor yet for how this is going to operate in someone's life. I think Avi and Tab and the Humane thing and all of this is our first ditch attempt at making a system like this. But what I think is, well, I want to build the underlying infrastructure that makes those things possible. At the end of the day, those things are input methods. And I want to be able to support a broad range of input methods and hopefully in a very relatively small API space. The kernel for your personal data. And just like we have IO devices and things like that in computers, now this is extending it to our bodies and our senses. And I think that that definitely will need to be covered and probably can be covered quite simply. And it'll take experimentation to get there, but I think we can do it. And given that, yeah, where I want to play is, I want to support everything and everyone. I don't need to take a strong opinion on what the form factor is going to be right now, because it will change in six months. It will change in a year and a half. I would rather create the space that affords many different experiments to evolve and not get sucked into one or the other. And that is part of what I would like to create.

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