
"The Dilemma of Custodianship: Balancing Security and Control over Personal Data"

Dec 4, 2023 - 12:35pmSummary: The author is concerned about being responsible for someone else's data and the potential consequences of a security breach. They are unsure of the protections in place and feel uneasy about the idea of their entire life being stored in one place. The author suggests that while decentralization could mitigate security risks, it may not be practical due to the underdeveloped user experience. The idea of controlling one's own data versus relying on a custodian is also considered.

Transcript: In some way, I don't want to be liable for someone else's data. I don't know if that makes sense or not. I don't know what kind of protections there are for this, as in getting hacked and stuff super would suck in the context of basically your entire life being in one place. Maybe this is me thinking too hard on this, but yeah. Not wanting that on my hands in some way from a technology infrastructure perspective, but perhaps that either it needs to be done this way for simplicity's sake, or it can be decentralized and you trust that the system is built in such a way where it would be virtually impossible because it's not really in a centralized place to be able to, you know, have those attack vectors. But this begs the question again of user experience in a lot of ways that decentralized things right now have a pretty terrible user experience on the whole. Whether some of those can be solved is another question. Effectively, what I just mentioned is the idea of owning your own keys versus having someone else be the custodian for them. And maybe both are the case.

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