
"Permission and Privacy: Navigating the Complexities of Machine Learning and Personal Information"

Jan 2, 2024 - 12:30pmSummary: The speaker discusses the idea of permissions in relation to computer systems and machine learning models. They express caution about giving away too much power to machine learning models to infer personal information and share it without consent. They provide personal examples of information they are willing to share with friends but not with others, and propose the idea of using machine learning to identify shared interests without disclosing sensitive information to everyone. They express interest in the potential benefits of this approach, such as connecting with people who share their interests, but also acknowledge the importance of respecting others' privacy.

Transcript: One thing that I find fascinating is something that got brought up in conversation with Kyle yesterday is this notion of permissions. Specifically that, you know, right now computer permissions are very like strict in a lot of ways. It's like either you have access or you don't. Access controls, right? But I wonder if with machine learning models a lot of permissions can effectively be inferred. And I know that this is a touchy territory. And it's touchy for me too because like I wouldn't really want like certain things to be leaked unless like I wanted them to be leaked. And giving that power away to a machine learning model is like, I don't know, you probably don't want to just like fully do that either. But, you know, when it gets on the boundary of like, oh, this is like a pretty personal thing, like do you want to share that? Maybe. So, I mean, I have some like strange examples from my personal life. Is with my friends, especially like I don't really mind them knowing like I'm into fat women, right? Like that, that's totally cool. Then there's like the level of like kink that I do have, which I have not shared with really anyone. And, you know, I'm still skeptical of sharing with someone. However, at the same time, it would be very weird, but also very interesting to experience like, or like if I was walking around and I was in a coffee shop, I will just use the coffee shop example. It's so easy. As if I was walking and I saw, oh, that person like shares, shares my kink. Shares, shares my kink. That would be very awesome for me, you know, like that would be really, really great. And using, using it in that way where it's like, okay, I actually don't need to disclose this to everyone. But when there's this shared mutual interest, all of a sudden that thing gets unlocked and it can be shared. I don't know. Like that's could be very interesting if that is something you wish. Maybe that's also not something that you wish to like share is like also totally fine. I personally would love to share that because I would love to encounter more people with the same kink as me. Like if I knew that I would, I mean, like I probably would start a conversation like almost guaranteed, but I wouldn't also just like necessarily just walk around like looking for people with that, that kink in that way. Anyway. Yeah.

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