
"Embracing the Challenges of Developer Innovation"

Jan 11, 2024 - 10:45pmSummary: The speaker is excited about tomorrow but acknowledges that as a developer facing new challenges, the work is not trivial, especially given the lack of extensive documentation and the solitary nature of their current work process. They express a desire to share their learnings, possibly by writing them down, and emphasize the importance of collaboration, suggesting that "if we do this together, it will be a better world." The speaker is tired of creating misleadingly impressive demos and aims to write code and interact with large language models in a more genuine and transparent way. Lastly, they recognize the complexity of building an effective agential system, admitting their current limitations while believing in its importance, and they present open questions about processing and connecting large amounts of data to better understand who we are.

Transcript: Feeling good about tomorrow. It's quite late. I guess I'm still excited in my body. And I'm getting the energy to express. And I don't know exactly what the expression is going to be yet. But one of the things that I feel recently is seeing all of these announcements and demos and things, it's for me as a developer, trying to solve some of these things definitely doesn't feel super trivial. And to be fair, I haven't been working on it very, very long. I haven't been working on it with a team of people. So maybe this is partially the issue. There's also very little documentation out there for the kinds of things that I'm experimenting with. And as Raphael said, I probably should go and basically write down my learnings. And, you know, I guess that's something that I'll write down on my questions list. So let me do that real fast. Right. So I guess the point of this message, in some way, is I'm trying to do the darn thing. And I don't want to be afraid to put out half-baked work. As in, it does actually work. It's not perfect. But I also want to have a call to action to be like, if we do this together, it will be a better world. And I don't need to hide behind doing things behind closed doors and seeing that demos may or may not be real. I've built many demos in my life. I know how easy it is to potentially impress someone with a demo. But behind the scenes, you know, it's the Homer Simpson-like meme with his back clipped together so he looks super sexy. Like, no. I'm tired of doing that. I'm tired of doing that. And I'm actively trying to write code in such a way where it is not doing that and also write calls to large language models where it's not doing that. And I'm also not perfect. Like, what I just described is an agential system. To do that correctly is an agential system. And I do not have the right understanding to build a very effective agential system right now. I don't. But I do believe that is generally the direction we are going. And that is the direction we should be going. And how do we get there? And how do we begin to process large amounts of data to put it in the right format? How do we connect data sources to each other? Those are all open and important questions to form an overall better context of who we are. And I would love to say just like shoving all the documents into RAG and pulling out the top five is going to work. But like, I just don't know how that's going to fucking work. It's just not enough context about someone. I can't fit my context in five documents unless those documents are perfect documents. And maybe through large language models we can start generating more perfect documents for them.

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