
"Enhancing Burrito Deployment with ChromaDB and Docker"

Jan 22, 2024 - 8:49pmSummary: Today's progress included making the burrito deployable by creating a docker-compose file that facilitates setting up ChromaDB for vector storage and running the burrito server itself. There was consideration for automating the deployment to allow for self-service, an objective that remains on the to-do list. The deployment strategy is atypical because it's designed to run on individual machines rather than large, robust servers, and contemplates multiple instances with different configurations. Future considerations involve potentially integrating the vector store into the main binary and optimizing it for specific applications and purposes, but for now, the Chroma microservice is in use, with performance and efficiency still to be fully assessed.

Transcript: So, today I was able to make the burrito deployable, or at least slightly more easy to deploy, in the sense that there's a docker-compose file now, and that docker-compose file sets up a ChromaDB instance for your vector store, as well as running the burrito server itself. So that's pretty good. It was a lot of back and forth this morning on exactly what to do or how to deploy this, particularly in the sense of some of me wanting to make it extremely automated so I can have it be self-service. That is still an item on the list to do, is a self-service burrito. But we're not there yet, and I don't know if that's super critical for this moment. Let me just write that real fast, self-service, and then we want to rename. Okay. Yeah, and it was a bit interesting just going through Docker and being like, huh, how do I do this? And then also doing some research of like, is docker-compose used to deploy bigger services? And kind of the answer is no, basically, which isn't that surprising. I mean, I'm building in a very strange way in the sense like it's meant to run on an individual person's machine as opposed to wanting to be run on, you know, like a real-ass computer. So that's a bit different than most, I would say. And yeah, I think it's just impacted how these things get deployed. It's not like I just have a database and I have a blah, blah, blah. It's like, oh no, I'm trying to run like a hundred of the same service but with a different configuration, potentially. Like if I'm going to run it for friends or whatever and everyone has their own. It's just like a different way of running and building things, quite frankly. So yeah, it's interesting. I think some of these components like the vector store, I don't know, that's probably eventually just going to become part of the main binary. I've already written part of a vector database myself, and the performance has got awful. But it wouldn't be that hard, I think, to write a fast SIMD version or something like that, or something that's like CUDA accelerated or M1 accelerated. I think that's probably the next step is just like a vector database which is tuned to the specific application and purpose, rather than trying to use something off the shelf. But that's like a much further down the line problem. For now we can run the microservice of Chroma. It's just so much extra memory for very little gain, I think. And the performance is unknown. It's much easier to just try a bunch of different cosine algorithms over a test set that you have and be able to just inspect it. And that's what I did when I wrote it. This algorithm clearly works best for this data, so that's the algorithm that I'm going to use for this vector store. So yeah, there's still lots of abstractions and stuff internally to be made, and making it more developer-friendly and all of this. But we're on our way. We're on our way.

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