
"Optimizing Search Functionality for Improved App Performance"

Jan 30, 2024 - 10:00amSummary: The realization of the value in this application lies in its ability to perform searches quickly, efficiently, and accurately. There are multiple approaches to enhance its functionality, with a focus on both data storage and the improvement of search capabilities, which is currently the most critical yet challenging aspect. Concerns exist about the app's method of aggregating all processed data, which feels inherently flawed, though it's being temporarily accepted for the valuable data it provides. This tension between a recognized need for development against the reluctance to proceed with an imperfect solution underscores the complexity of the problem at hand.

Transcript: One thing I'm discovering right now is there are certainly ways to build this application for intentionality. And what I'm realizing is really the value of this thing is in the search and being able to do it on the fly quickly, efficiently, and accurately. So that is one thing. And there's like kind of two ways of going about that. There's the way that I'm doing it now, which is more like the web hook route. And, you know, let me think. So I'm thinking two things. One is maybe there's an alternative approach for on the fly, which is trying to basically manually work with the tools at hand. And that's still quite difficult, unfortunately, in the sense when I ask about bolting high lines and stuff, like that's a long-term intention. And it's a bit different than like, I want to cook 80% of my meals this week, which, I mean, in some sense is easier to start with. We just have the categories of everything and then be able to determine, like, is progress being made effectively? So, I mean, this is an interesting problem. And what I'm getting at with this message is just, there's multiple approaches that can be taken to solve this problem with this system, but I think that the system overall, like it needs to provide a few things. It definitely needs to provide good storage, but it also needs to provide really excellent search. And the search part of this is the thing that seems to me to be most lacking at the moment, but it is also the harder problem. And that's probably a good thing and also a bad thing, but I think it really does need fine tuning data. And maybe if this intention things works, it's at least an opportunity to have decent fine tuning data. Yeah, I mean, I guess a lot of it is just, like, going through what I hate about this application right now is basically, like, it's just sucking up all of the data that's been processed. That feels really wrong to me. That's not how it should work. But it is sucking up all of the data that's been processed by the burrito. So you still have a centralized place, but it's literally just being like, give me everything. And that's definitely not how this should work. And it's the thing that's making me hesitate because I know it feels wrong to do that. And I think that's the thing that's making me hesitate. Because I know it feels wrong to do that. I think I will probably just go along with it for the moment because. I know it will work and I know it will give me really good data, but it annoys me because it is definitely not how it should work and that part is really annoying me. So. Yeah, that's. That's a tricky one.

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