
"Next.js: Your Burritos, A Digital Multimedia Platform"

Jan 26, 2024 - 5:38pmSummary: Your burritos are a digital platform that allows you to upload multimedia files to the web via an iOS shortcut. Participants of the experiment will have a personal webpage that recommends similar content they or others have uploaded, fostering a sense of community. There's a collaborative aspect for developers, with APIs available and the potential for collective improvement of the Next.js app. Keep in mind that the platform, especially for video uploads (currently capped at 100MB), is a work in progress and feedback is encouraged to refine the experience. The speaker instructs on how to use a digital tool, explaining that it can load various types of content. Users can add to the tool by accessing a shortcut through three dots, and their content should appear in the share sheet for photos, videos, audio notes, and text—though text support is limited at this stage. There's a file size limitation of 100 megabytes, which generally affects photos and audio. The speaker expresses gratitude for the willingness to participate and encourages feedback and engagement at any level, emphasizing a desire to build something beneficial for the group.

Transcript: Hey friends, I wanted to let you know your burritos are, well I guess I'll say it, they're served up into hyperspace and what that means for you is basically you'll be able to send any images, videos, and audio directly onto the web. It's all done via an iOS shortcut so I'll send that to you via text and basically what will happen is, yeah, you'll send some file in and it will do a bunch of stuff and you'll have it on a website. And beyond that, all of you who are participating in this experiment, and thank you so much for participating, on your own webpage when you go and click one of the entries or entrees as I like to call them, when you click one of the entrees it's going to show you a bunch of similar entrees that you've put in to the burrito as well as a bunch of entrees that are similar from your friends or other people who are participating. So in a tiny little way that's what's going on. There's also going to be the website burrito.place which will be just a really simple feed for the time being of all of the entrees that everyone has put in. It's going to be really simple for now and it's going to be a work in progress and this is also something that, I mean if it's possible to do it collaboratively it would be really cool. I don't know if that is going to be possible but it is just a plain Next.js app so if any devs want to hop in and improve it, fantastic, let's work together and improve it. Also the website that you have, your burrito, if you are a developer there are APIs that are hopefully fairly simple and I can help guide you along with them. This is not for everyone and that's totally cool but also please feel free to ask me questions about, hey I want to do X, Y, and Z, is that possible? I want to see all of my entries related to surfing, all my entrees related to surfing. Certainly that's something that at the very moment I can at least note down and try to make happen. So things are possible. So yeah, just please message me about anything that you think can be improved. There is no real full loop in terms of like you put something in, you're notified about it. That's something that I'm thinking about building. My first effort on this is going to be probably something iMessage based so when you put something in it'll send you a text message with a summary of what you put in as well as maybe another person who's put in something similar to their burrito. I don't know if that will work, we'll try it and see if it's good. If it's really annoying, again, let me know. But I am going to put that online at some point. Until then, this is kind of the state of things. The one note that I have is that videos only work up to 100 megabytes. This is something that I'm in the process of fixing. It is probably going to take me a few days realistically to get to it. But yes, that's it. And I don't know if you made it this far. And I'm sorry if you didn't. This is probably really long. But also, if you want to, I'll give you a few ideas for some entrees that you can put in to start. Maybe one is a voice note of just introducing yourself to everyone else. Maybe another is talking about your weekend, your plans for your weekend. Maybe as the weekend goes, some photos from the weekend. Whatever you want. These are just some really simple ideas and there you go. I am going to quickly show you, I probably should break this into another video, but I'm going to show you how to make a burrito entree. So I'm going to do a screen recording on my phone here. And I will put it on the screen here. And so what's happening is, I have a bunch of voice memos. I have like 200 entrees in my burrito. But I'll add this other one and I'll add it to my test thing. And it's going to go and do its thing and it will show up on the web in a minute here. And if I go to the website test.burrito.place, it shows, in fact, this is a test. That is what the audio says. And you can go into it, and it'll take a second to load, and it has some other entrees. And that's kind of what it is for now. When you first do this, the shortcut, I'll go back to it, is you click these three dots, and it'll say, add to test brain here, or add to whatever, or CJ.burrito, or Alex.burrito, or Kevin.burrito, whatever. I have all of yours here, because I had to create the shortcuts for you. And that is more or less all you do. And you can, you know, hit, like, modify the thing so it shows up earlier, but more or less it should show up in your share sheet for both photos as well as for videos and audio notes. Theoretically, it actually should show up for text as well. Text is extremely unsupported at the moment. It will support it, but it will not do anything. So, if you want text, yell at me. I will put it in. It's totally fine. So, yes. And, so I'll just show you. Yeah, the share sheet comes up for photos too. Again, limitation, 100 megabytes. That's what it is. And that actually applies to audio as well. I just don't think you're creating 100 megabytes of audio. Maybe you are, but anyway. Thank you so much. I really, really, really, really appreciate all of you for even being willing to participate. Again, just put in whatever you would like. Anything is fine. As much as you want to participate, put in as much as you want. If you don't want to participate at all, that's also totally cool. Just let me know, and I will do my best to adjust for that. So, again, thank you all so much. I would love to just build something great together that's really useful for all of us as a group or even as individuals. So, please, please just let me know. Thank you guys so much. Bye.

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