
"Reunited at the Climbing Gym: A Moderate Workout"

Feb 6, 2024 - 6:37pmSummary: I reunited with Patrick at the climbing gym after a month apart, which provided a good opportunity to catch up and climb together. I enjoyed leading a few routes without pushing my limits, finding the moderate workout satisfying and noting the climb was not too challenging. I successfully tackled cracks and a route rated 11A or 11B, which reassured me of my climbing skills, contrasting with the less meaningful satisfaction I get from bouldering. Overall, the session was a moderate effort that was enjoyable, particularly because it allowed me to spend time with Patrick again.

Comment: Climbing with Pat

Transcript: I just climbed with Patrick and it was really nice to get back in the gym and also see Patrick and just kind of like catch up. It's really been, it's been like a month or something since we saw each other last. And I don't know, I feel like so much has happened in life since then. So yeah, I mean, it was just like a nice, nice to climb again and got a couple leads and that felt, you know, it felt all right. And got three I think and pretty, pretty chill stuff. Like I definitely was not stretching my head game at all climbing those things. But that's, that was totally fine. That's kind of what I wanted and felt good. So that was nice. And then I also climbed the cracks and did those without any issue really, which is also nice. The only ones left is really like the 13 minus finger crack. And I guess we'll try that at some point. And yeah, also climbed 11A or 11B purple thing and it was nice. Had some interesting movement and overall just like good to be reminded like I do know how to climb and go with someone and it's like, oh yeah, I forgot. Like I do kind of know how to do this. Bouldering does not give me the same like satisfaction in some ways. Like oh, I did a V4, cool. Like I just don't know what that means as much as like rope climbing. So yeah, it's like, you know, and I knew I could push harder today than I did too, which is like nice. Like I feel like that was a moderate workout. That wasn't like me on the edge at like or even close to the edge. So that's, that's cool. And again, it was really good to see Pat. So, so what?

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