
"Embracing a New Vibe: Exploring Alternate Social Content Sharing"

Jan 28, 2024 - 4:50pmSummary: The sender wants to share something with multiple people without direct messaging, valuing both seen messages and replies equally. They enjoy the content they're seeing and feel it provides a different vibe than what's typically found on social media. The experience gives them a sense of something happening, which could be what Reels are intended for, yet the sender is seeking a different energy.

Transcript: The feeling of I wish to share this and I also don't want to just like text message you directly because I might need to text message like ten people but I still want to share this to you and I don't expect a reply or anything and if you see it, that's great and if you reply, that's also great. Yeah, because I'm really enjoying seeing these things and it's for me like a different vibe than social media. It just like gives me a sense of something happening and maybe this is what Reels and Everything is supposed to be and maybe I'm just looking for a different energy. I don't know.

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