
"Duck Foot's Colorful Anniversary Bash"

May 6, 2024 - 6:45pmMira Mesa - San Diego, California, USA

Comment: More great font

Caption: Celebrating good times and craft brews with a splash of color and a dose of fun at Duck Foot's Anniversary Party

Description: A bright poster with psychedelic colors and a playful font showcases an event called 'Nine Trips Around The Sun Anniversary Party' set for Saturday, June 1st from noon to 9:30 PM, featuring over 30 taps and various attractions such as food trucks, games, live DJ, and a comedy night. The event seems related to a venue or organization called Duck Foot, which has multiple events listed, including a Bingo night called 'Ringo!' and a Trivia Night. There is a 'No Smoking on Patio' sign affixed to a glass window beside the poster and a reflection of a person can be seen on the window.A bright poster with psychedelic colors and a playful font showcases an event called 'Nine Trips Around The Sun Anniversary Party' set for Saturday, June 1st from noon to 9:30 PM, featuring over 30 taps and various attractions such as food trucks, games, live DJ, and a comedy night. The event seems related to a venue or organization called Duck Foot, which has multiple events listed, including a Bingo night called 'Ringo!' and a Trivia Night. There is a 'No Smoking on Patio' sign affixed to a glass window beside the poster and a reflection of a person can be seen on the window.

Extracted Text


Saturday, June 1st, Noon-9:30 PM

30+ TAPS




Duck Foot Miramar

Ringo! Bingo & Music

Trivia Nightly at Duck Foot

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