Mar 7, 2025 - 7:00pm
In today’s flight training session, the focus was on landings, with a total of seven at a single airport, Ramona, instead of the initially planned two different locations. The decision to stick to one airport was driven by the complexity of landing and managing communication with the tower. Cloud cover at around 3,600 feet required flying lower than usual, about 3,000 feet, and adjusting the flight path to the northeast to avoid mountains. During communication with Ramona Tower, the pilot made several mistakes, which Chris, likely the instructor, had to correct. On the ground, the pilot struggled with the instructions "line up and wait" and "hold short." The takeoff from Montgomery Field was challenging due to crosswinds, with the pilot dipping the left wing too much and possibly rotating too early. Despite these issues, the pilot managed to get the plane airborne. Chris also assisted by clarifying the "hold short" instruction and landing the plane at Ramona. The pilot acknowledges these errors were likely due to the high cognitive load of handling multiple new tasks simultaneously. During a recent flight session, the pilot focused on improving their landing skills through multiple touch-and-go landings and a final landing at Montgomery. They noted difficulties with descending, maintaining the correct glide slope, and airspeed, often dropping below the 65-knot landing speed. Despite these challenges, they managed one particularly good landing, which gave them hope and motivation. The pilot is planning more pattern work and possibly some instrument training in their next session on Monday. They also aim to refine and laminate their checklists, especially for emergency procedures and landings, and are considering a new flight board or making one themselves. Communication with air traffic controllers remains a challenge at times, and they acknowledge the need to improve in this area as well.
San Diego-City Heights
Feb 28, 2025 - 9:04am
These are excellent eggs, I believe I got them from people’s coop in OB. I think brand is chino valley??
Ocean Beach - San Diego
Feb 27, 2025 - 3:37pm
This is the most San Diego shit ever, a guy riding on his bike with a ful puffy on in 75 degree weather
San Diego-City Heights
Feb 22, 2025 - 7:51pm
pretty proud of this one, tomato poached cod with chili oil shallots on top over chuka soba with garlic oyster mushrooms and a splash of lemon and cilantro
San Diego-City Heights
Feb 17, 2025 - 7:25pm
Simple chicken fried rice with bell peppers and squash
San Diego-City Heights
Feb 17, 2025 - 5:42pm
Sunset was WILD tonight
San Diego-City Heights
Feb 16, 2025 - 8:41pm
Some meal prep, salmon carrots and mushroom broth rice
Feb 15, 2025 - 4:44pm
Today in San Diego is breathtakingly beautiful, with the perfect light and lush scenery, especially noticeable during a drive near the beach in the late afternoon. The beauty is heightened by the sense of well-being from exercising, making every detail vibrant and deeply appreciated.
San Diego-California
Feb 15, 2025 - 12:54pm
Spotted some big surf today at sunset cliffs on my 35 mile ride to get La croix
San Diego-City Heights
Feb 15, 2025 - 10:41am
First natsurtiums coming in