
Embracing Change: Overcoming Resistance to the Past

Jan 22, 2024 - 8:36am

Caption: Navigating life's changes and the resistance to letting go of the past.

Description: This is a digital display with text, featuring a color scheme with shades of brown and olive green. The text is fragmented but appears to be about life philosophy, discussing how holding onto the past and resisting change is akin to building fences around the current state of things. It suggests that this resistance is maintained until change is unavoidable.This is a digital display with text, featuring a color scheme with shades of brown and olive green. The text is fragmented but appears to be about life philosophy, discussing how holding onto the past and resisting change is akin to building fences around the current state of things. It suggests that this resistance is maintained until change is unavoidable.

Extracted Text

best course through all the twists and

urns of life. People who can't let go of the

past, try to build fences around the way

things are. They hope to keep everything

the same and refuse to accept change until

it is forced upon them.

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