
"Adventures in Webpage Gardening: Integrating Voice Commands and Photos"

Feb 5, 2024 - 10:07amSummary: I devised a side quest to create a garden module on my webpage, updating the status of my garden through voice commands or perhaps photos. I am curious about how it will integrate with the webpage and how it will look and feel. It serves as a reminder to be intentional about this project and improve it.

Transcript: I just came up with a little side quest for this, which is, I mean, it would be really cool to have a little, like, garden module, effectively, where I, it just has, it's just like the latest status of my garden based on me, like, talking to my computer. And maybe it's a photo, but like, more or less probably talking to my computer. And I'm just very curious to see, like, how does that fit on a webpage, what does it feel like, you know. Yeah, I don't know, just like a reminder that that also exists and that I want to be intentional about that thing and make it better.

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